Trait Tag Filter
Name |
Description |
Details |
Tags |
Materials |
Cheapskate |
Stone is bad. Your tool has less durability. |
20% durability loss. |
[Negative Durability]
Cheap |
Increases durability gained when repairing the tool. |
5% bonus durability repair. |
Writable |
More words. More Modifiers. It's only logical. |
Adds a modifier. |
Blind Rage |
Deal double damage when blinded. |
x2 damage when blinded. |
Squeaky |
Your tool is so soft and squaky it gianed silktouch but deals no damage. |
Gain silktouch but deal no damage. |
Crude |
Bonus damage against unarmored targets. |
5% extra damage. |
Crude II |
Bonus damage against unarmored targets. |
10% extra damage. |
Moldable |
Blend additions modifiers into your tool. |
Adds a modifier. |
Tasty |
Smells so good.. You'd rather eat your tool than starve. |
Has a chance per tick to eat the tool. Increased if not full health. Increased if less than 5 drumsticks left. Default: Every 5 seconds on average. Only takes a bite if food bar is 3/4 or lower. Adds half a drumstick, costs 5 durability. |
Uplifting |
Occasionally regenerates health on use. |
50% chance to get regeneration 3 for 4 seconds after breaking a block or hitting something. |
Slimey |
It'll wash off. |
0.33% chance to spawn a small slime after breaking a block or killing an entity. |
[Negative Combat]
Ecological |
Renewable resources are so good, they regenerate by themselves! |
Repairs 1 durability every 40 seconds on average. |
[Self Repair]
Wood |
Fertilizing |
This tool can be used to fertilize crops at a large durability cost. |
Acts like bonemeal, consumes 25 durability. |
Magically Brittle |
Has a random chance of breaking when it takes damage. Can break 'unbreakable' tools. |
Has a 1 in maxDurability^2 chance to break. Minimum 1 in 100. |
[Negative Durability]
Prickly |
Nobody is safe from those thorns, they always hurt. |
Deals between 0 and 1,25 bonus damage ignoring armor. Gaussian distribution with highest chance at 0.5 bonus damage. |
Spiky |
Blocking and getting hurt deals damage to the attacker |
Damage is same as tools damage value. That damage is halved if the itemholder is not blocking. |
Mentor |
Each hit consumes 1 XP level (for each part) but deals additional sqrt(XP * parts) damage. |
Each hit consumes 1 XP level (for each part) but deals additional sqrt(XP * parts) damage. |
Aridiculous |
The tool works better in hotter environments. |
Multiplier for mining speed; Addition for damage. Much faster in warm environments, little slower in cold ones. Bonuses are reduced when raining. |
Hellish |
Deal bonus damage to non-Nether mobs. |
+4 damage if target is not immune to fire. |
Sundering |
This weapons weakens attacked enemies. |
Applies weakness 1 for 5 seconds. |
Jagged |
Every point durability lost increases damage. |
The greater the amount of total durability lost increases damage. 100 durability lost => +0.75, 500 => +1.8, 1000 => +2.35, 1500 => +2.68, 2000 => +2.92, 5000 => +3.7, 10000 => +4.3 |
Superheat |
Deal bonus damage to enemies on fire. |
Deals 35% more damage to enemies on fire. |
Flammable |
Blocking blocks fire damage and getting hit sets the attacker on fire. |
The attacker takes fire damage 3 times. Zombies set you on fire simultaneously. |
Magically Modifiable |
Adds 3 extra modifiers to a tool. |
+3 Modifier. |
Alpha Fur |
Chills targets or attackers. |
Applies frosted 5 for 3 seconds. Similar to slowness. Target can only barely move. |
Splinters |
Be careful not to catch a splinter! |
1/150 chance to take 0.1 damage after breaking a block or attacking an entity. |
[Negative Combat]
Fleet On Foot |
This weapon grants a burst of speed to its wielder on fully-charged hits. |
Gain speed 2 for 2.5 seconds. |
Aquadynamic |
The tool is unhindered by water and loves rainy evenings. |
Increase mining speed by 650% touching water (130% after mining-in-water-debuff), 100% when not in water (probably a bug). Adds 62.5% in both situations when raining. |
Morgan Le Fay |
Bonus magic damage (ranging from 0.0 to 5.0; Gaussian distributed) is afflicted (it is absolute). |
0 to 5 bonus absolute damage. Gaussian distribution. |
Shocking |
Running around, breaking blocks or hitting things charges your tool. Hitting an enemy discharges it, dealing damage and providing a speed boost. Mining a block discharges it, giving a speed boost. |
Speed 6 for 2.5 seconds after hitting an entity. Haste 3 for 2.5 seconds after breaking a block. |
Holy |
Deal bonus damage to undead enemies. |
+5 damage to undead. |
Challenger |
Higher difficulty increases mining speed, damage, and defense/toughness. |
[Could not find source code] Multiplies weapon's damage based on difficulty. Multiplier has better than linear scaling with difficulty. 23dmg weapon does 73dmg at 100 difficulty, 820dmg at 500, 2800dmg at 1000. |
Whispering |
Will occasionally whisper it's will to you. |
Sends you a chat message every 2 to 4 minutes. |
[Negative Utility]
Heavy Metal |
Increases knockback + Slowness on target |
Splintering |
Hit them more to deal more damage. |
+0.3 damage more for every hit, up to +1.8 after 6 hits. |
Splintering II |
Hit them more to deal more damage. |
+0.6 damage more for every hit, up to +3.6 after 6 hits. |
Fractured |
Your tools damage is increased. |
+1.5 damage. |
Fractured II |
Your tools damage is increased. |
+3 damage. |
Alien | if they're changing! Maybe time will tell? |
Applies 800 random stat boosts over 48 minutes (using the tool might increase the time needed). A random stat boost can either be: +1 durability, +0.007 mining speed, or +0.005 damage. Resulting in 266.67 durability, 1.87 mining speed, and 1.33 damage on average. |
Overwhelm |
This weapon deals greater damage to armoured targets. |
Bonus damage is tool's damage * target's armor * 1.5% |
Enderference |
Prevents Endermen from teleporting around for a short time. |
For 5 seconds. |
Crystalline |
This weapon deals greater damage at higher durability. |
Deals up to 20%. (20% at 100% durability, 15% at 75%, 10% at 50%,...). |
Aquamarine |
Autosmelt |
Harvested blocks get smelted. |
Also yields xp for smelting. If 'AutosmeltFortuneInteraction' is enabled in the config, fortune also multiplies smelt result amount (works in E2EE Modpack). |
Magnetic |
Hitting things attracts nearby things?! |
Pulls items towards you. |
Magnetic II |
Hitting things attracts nearby things?! |
Pulls items towards you. Increased range. |
He Who Must Not Be Named |
Bonus damage accrued for each entity of the same type as the target close to it. |
Ratty |
Randomly summons rats when used. If used in a fight, summoned rats will try to defend you! |
1% chance to summon a rat after breaking a block. 35% chance when hitting a mob and will attack the mob. |
Duritae |
Your tools lats longer ...most of the time. |
50% chance to do nothing, 10% chance to use double durability and 40% chance to use no durability. Equalling to 70% durability used on average => 30% no durability use on average. |
Freezing |
Successful hits slow your targets more and more. |
Applies slowness 1, up to 6. Increases by 1 for every hit. |
Sharp |
Hitting an enemy leaves them bleeding for a short time. |
Deals 1 damage every 15 ticks for a duration of 6 seconds => 8 damage. |
Ice Dragonsteel |
Hearts |
The higher your health, the more damage you do. |
Damage is multiplied by (1 + 0.7 * currentHealth / maxHealth). Multiplier when at max health is 70% (x1.7 damage). |
Chunky |
Makes your tool or weapon drop Mob Chunks. |
Vindictive |
Bonus damage to players, and you gain some health by attacking. |
40% damage to players. Heals 20% of damage dealt. |
Elemental |
When gravity-affected blocks are destroyed, break all blocks of the same type above and below. Also, a chance to gain various benefits from a successful attack. |
Attacks have a 22% chance to gain absorption and water breathing, speed and jump boost, strength and saturation, or fire resistance and regeneration for 4 seconds. Water breathing lasts 60 seconds. |
Terrafirma |
While this tool is in your hand (or this armor is worn), you will heal over time. |
Heals 3HP every 1 second on average |
Nature's Wrath |
After attacking a mob, there is a chance to burn the target as well as to heal the player. |
50% chance to heal the player for 1.4HP. 20% chance to burn the target 5 times and heal the player. |
Stonebound |
The tool mines faster as it wears out, but does less damage. |
The greater the amount of total durability lost increases mining speed. (A rather large amount (1000+) must be missing in order to somewhat notice a difference) |
Petramor |
Your tool loves stone, it literally wants to absorb it (for durability). |
10% chance to restore 5 durability after breaking a rock like block. |
Hive Defender |
Deals +8 extra damage against death worms and +4 damage against non-arthropods. |
+4 damage no non-arthropods, +8 to death worms. |
Rejuvenating |
This weapon applies regeneration to attacked targets. |
Applies regeneration 1 for 3 seconds. |
Astral |
This tool can be attuned to a constellation at an Attunement Altar. |
Aevitas: You get regeneration 2 for 5 seconds when striking an enemy with a fully-charged attack. |
Force of Impact |
This weapon deals greater damage at high velocity. |
Deal bonus damage based on player's velocity. Bonus damage = tool's damage * velocity. |
Dense |
Your tool lasts longer when it has less durability. |
Chance to halve durability consumption on consuming durability. 5% chance at half durability, 18% at quarter durability, up to 42%. |
Energized |
This tool consumes an internal energy buffer before durability. |
Consumes 6400 RF per durability lost. 400k RF energy storage. |
Energized II |
This tool consumes an internal energy buffer before durability. |
Consumes 6400 RF per durability lost. 800k RF energy storage. |
Aftershock |
This weapon deals additional magical damage on fully-charged hits. |
+2.5 magic damage. |
Aftershock II |
This weapon deals additional magical damage on fully-charged hits. |
+5 magic damage. |
Aftershock III |
This weapon deals additional magical damage on fully-charged hits. |
+7.5 magic damage. |
Crumbling |
The tool breaks soft blocks that don't need a tool faster. |
Halves the time needed (I think). |
Diseased |
Opponents get inflicted with Plague. |
Applies plague 1 for 1:40 minutes. |
Death Cloud |
Summons a plague cloud on use, which deals half the damage of the tool! |
Description is wrong? Shoot projectiles that deal about 75% of tool's damage as damage. Can be fired every tick and has no cost. |
Nature's Blessing |
A chance to drop bread per mob killed or block broken. Sometimes heals the player by a bit after killing a mob. |
0.5% chance after breaking a block and 5% chance after hitting an entity to drop 1 bread. 30% chance to heal 3.2HP after hitting an entity. |
Stiff |
Blocking reduces the damage taken even more. |
-1 damage, down to a minimum of 1 damage. |
Modifiable |
This equipment has additional free modifier slots. |
+1 Modifier |
Modifiable II |
This equipment has additional free modifier slots. |
+2 Modifiers. |
Illuminati |
While the tools is in your hand, nearby entities (that do not hold a tool with this trait) glow, and you become invisible. |
11 Block radius, glowing lasts for 1 second after lowering tool. |
Rude Awakening |
Damage pierces armor (mobs only). |
Ignores armor. |
Opportunist |
This weapon deals increased damage to debuffed targets. |
+50% of tool's damage as additional damage. |
Baconlicious |
Hitting things sometimes gives bacon. |
Killing mobs has a 5% chance to drop 1 Tinker's Construct bacon. Breaking a block has a 0.5% chance. |
Heavy |
Prevents knockback. |
Removes knockback while holding. |
Grinding |
Jump on Ore block to crush them into dust. |
Well-Established |
You gain additional XP. |
25% bonus experience. 33% chance for 1 XP from blocks that normally give none. |
Depth Digger |
This tool becomes more efficient at lower elevations. |
The lower than 72 the faster, the higher than 72 the slower. (Bonus is additive). |
Spades |
The lower your health, the more damage you do. |
Damage is multiplied by (1 + 1.3 * missingHealth / maxHealth). Multiplier when at 0 health is 130% (x2.3 damage). |
Unnatural |
The tool mines faster the higher its mining level is above the required one. |
Linear scaling. (Bonus is additive). |
Dark Steel |
Prosperous |
Makes your tool or weapon randomly drop Prosperity Shards. |
Breaking a block or killing an entity has a 0.33% chance to spawn a Prosperity Shard. |
Lightweight |
Increases the overall speed of your tool when mining and attacking. |
10% Bonus. |
Carbon Fiber |
Vanishing |
Chance to teleport enemies away. |
21% chance to teleport an entity to some place within a 24 block radius. Blockdrops have the same chance to be teleported within a 16 block horizontal and 8 block vertical radius. |
Vanishing II |
Chance to teleport enemies away. |
42% chance to teleport an entity to some place within a 24 block radius. Blockdrops have the same chance to be teleported within a 16 block horizontal and 8 block vertical radius. |
Vanishing III |
Chance to teleport enemies away. |
63% chance to teleport an entity to some place within a 24 block radius. Blockdrops have the same chance to be teleported within a 16 block horizontal and 8 block vertical radius. |
Direct |
Teleports mined things directly into your inventory. |
Teleports mined things directly into your inventory. |
Nature's Power |
After attacking a mob: 20% chance to burn target. 20% chance to give player Speed. 20% chance to give player Strength. |
Burn damages 3 times. 5 seconds of speed or strength. |
Poisonous |
Poisons enemies on hit. |
Applies poison for 5 seconds. |
Desert Myrmex Chitin |
Withering |
Withers enemies on hit. |
Applies wither for 4 seconds. |
Relentless |
This weapon induces a shorter invulnerability period in struck enemies. |
Brings invincibility down to 4 ticks. |
Aura Siphon |
This weapon converts some damage dealt to bonus mana. |
Converts 10% of damage dealt into mana. |
Twilit |
Speedier in the Twilight Forest. More damage outside the Twilight Forest |
+2 mining speed in TF, +2 damage outside. |
Precipitate |
The less health you have, the speedier it is! |
Up to +100% mining speed based on percentage health missing. |
Insatiable |
During combat you deal more and more damage but also consume more and more durability. |
Every strike does 0.33 more damage than the previous one up to +3.33 more damage. Has to hit something at least every 5 seconds to stay in combat. Tool loses the same amount of durability as current bonus damage. |
Cold-Blooded |
Deal increased damage to targets at full health. |
50% more damage. |
Thundering |
Summons a thunderbolt on impact. |
Summons a damaging thunderbolt along with fire at target's location. Does not work if tool's damage kills the target. |
Spectre |
Each part gives additional Reach potion effect. |
Each level of reach increases your range by 1. |
Anti-Corrosion |
Every tick, there is a small chance that the holder's poison is healed (when held in hand). |
3% chance every tick to remove poison. |
Devil's Strength |
Bonus damage to non-Overworld mobs. |
+2 Damage. |
Vampiric |
This weapon drains life energy from enemies to heal its wielder. |
Only works on fully-charged hits. Heals the player by 20% of damage dealt. |
Rage |
Critical strike increases attack speed. |
Crits give hase 1 for 6 seconds. |
Moon Voice |
Gives strength on full moon. |
Hitting a target during full moon gives strength 2 for 12 seconds. A full moon occurs every 8 days (a full moon will appear if F3 day counter is dividable by 8). |
Global Traveler |
Shift-right-click a block in order for items from broken blocks and killed entities to get transported in there if it is an inventory. |
Transport drops into a previously shift-right-clicked inventory block. |
Apocalypse |
Your victim becomes moribund and is afflicted with increasing levels of Wither. |
Applies wither for 6.5 seconds. Every attack increases the level, up to level 4. |
Dark Traveler |
Surrounding mobs get randomly afflicted with damage. |
About 70% chance per second to deal between 2 and 4.5 damage to entities within 8 blocks. Bypasses armor |
Stalwart |
Hitting an entity can make you feel emboldened. |
10% chance to gain Resistance 1 for 10 seconds. |
Axing |
Break wood logs to get x4 planks. |
Break wood logs to get x4 planks. |
Axing II |
Break wood logs to get x6 planks. |
Break wood logs to get x6 planks. |
Portly Gentleman |
Shift-right-click an entity to capture it (costs durability based on entity health). Press the 'release entity' key (default 'o') in order to release it. |
Durability cost goes up to a maximum 15. Reached when entity has at least 225 current HP. |
Dire-Hit |
Your tool will always land critical hits so long as you are at full health. |
Always crit when at full health. |
Piezoelectric |
This weapon converts damage from fully-charged hits into usable energy. |
Converts the amount of damage dealt into energy. Fuels the first energy item found in inventory. |
Cycle of Life |
When your tool is damaged, you are healed for the amount. |
Heals for the same amount of durability lost. Hitting a mob really fast (ex. with an auto clicker) heals you really fast. |
Sentient |
This tool consumes demon will to increase its power. |
To little knowledge about Blood Magic to understand this. |
Willful |
This weapon servers the strands of demonic will that bind its enemies. |
Chance to drop demonic will. |
Electric |
This tool consumes electricity before durability. |
Consumes 1000EU per durability lost. |
Crystalys |
This weapon shatters soul networks to manifest weak blood shards. |
Mobs have a 20% drop chance for weak blood shards. |
Bloodbound |
This tool siphons its user's life essence to prevent damage to itself. |
Consumes 5LP from the soul network per durability lost. |
Luminiferous |
This weapon reveals the positions of struck enemies. |
Applies glowing for 8 seconds. |
Momentum |
Mining blocks increases your speed, as long as you keep going. |
Up to +40% after breaking 32 blocks. |
Iridium |
Blasting |
This tool produces explosive results. |
Creates an explosion. 33% chance on hit and projectile block hit. 5% on block break. Explosion does not break blocks. |
Mirabile Visu |
Occasionally, a gold or diamond ore will appear in stone immediately surrounding you (at the cost of durability). |
Starfishy |
Press the 'set portal' key (default 'N') to set a virtual portal on the block you are pointing at. If you are on the brink of death, you have 32 enori crystals to spare and the portal has enough space above then the crystals are consumed, you are teleported to the virtual portal, and you are spared. (The tool must be in your hand). |
Tldr.: Defy death at the cost of 32 enori crystals. |
Mortal Wounds |
This weapon reduces the enemy's healing for a duration. |
Reduces enemy's healing by 75% for 5 seconds. |
Evil Aura |
When held, creates an aura of evil that brings misfortune to the wielder. |
25% chance per tick to convert the block beneath the player into dirt if it is a grass / path block. Mobs spawning within 30 blocks have a small chance to target the player immediately. Breaks the tool if a 'FakePlayer' is using it |
[Negative Utility]
Eternal Darkness |
Your tool loves the dark so much; it does more damage in the dark. |
Synergy |
Will repair itself if you have Steeleaves in your hotbar. |
The more Stealeaves (blocks) you have, the higher the chance to restore 1 durability. 256 for 100% chance. Everything Steeleaf beyond the 256th contributes to that chance to restore one more durability. |
[Self Repair]
Experience Boost |
Gives bonus XP when mining or slaying mobs. |
Killing an entity or mining a block that drops experience yields x4 experience. |
Deadly Precision |
This weapon deals greatly increased damage on critical strikes. |
Crits deal an additional 50% of tool's damage as damage. |
Sassy |
Crit on players an bosses. |
Attacks on players or bosses always crit. |
Mana-Infused |
This tool repairs itself using mana. |
Repairs 1 durability for 75 mana. |
[Self Repair]
Psicological |
Tools heal with Psi. |
Repairs 1 durability for 28 PSI. Able to unbreak the tool. |
[Self Repair]
Vis Vacuum |
Repairs tool using local and nearby chunks vis in aura. |
[Self Repair]
Vis Siphon |
Repairs using local vis in aura. |
[Self Repair]
Vis Equilibrium |
Depending on vis in aura your tool have better stats.. |
Bloody Mary |
Deals bonus damage depending on the amount of health already lost by the target. Also, a chance to drop a Coagulated Blood for each hit. |
Deals (total missing health)^0.6 damage. 23% Chance to drop 1 Coagulated Blood. |
Soul Rend |
This weapon hase innate soul-stealing abilities. |
Passive mobs have a 1 : 800 chance to drop their soul. Others 1 : 1000 |
Soul Rend II |
This weapon hase innate soul-stealing abilities. |
Passive mobs have a 1 : 400 chance to drop their soul. Others 1 : 500 |
Soul Rend III |
This weapon hase innate soul-stealing abilities. |
Passive mobs have a 1 : 267 chance to drop their soul. Others 1 : 333 |
Voice of the Fae |
This weapon may summon pixies to attack foes. |
5% chance per hit. |
Cascading |
This tool destroys falling blocks in columns. |
Starts the process after destroying a block. |
Mana |
Mana can be used in place of durability, and can heal the tool over time. |
Is able to unbreak this tool. |
[Self Repair]
Botanical II |
Increases the amount of modifier slots; the effect stacks greatly. |
+2 Modifiers. |
Ruination |
This weapon deals damage scaling with enemy health on fully-charged hits. |
Deals an additional 4% current health damage. |
Warping |
This accursed weapon saps at the sanity of those that bear its stikes. |
Target receives the same amount of temporary warp as damage. |
Evolved |
This tool uses energy and can be upgraded by fusion crafting. |
Cannot break. Becomes weaker when no energy left. |
Photosynthetic |
This tool absorbs sunlight to repair itself. |
Repairs 1 durability every 1.25 seconds on average when in bright sunlight. Chance to repair is reduced the more dimmed the sunlight is. |
[Self Repair]
Staggering |
This weapon briefly immobilizes enemies on fully-charged hits. |
Immobilizes the enemy for 0.6 seconds. |
Gaia's Wrath |
This weapon fires damaging beams when swung. |
Shoots a beam attacking air. Deals 7 damage. |
Blizzard II |
Freezes enemies in a block of ice for 15 seconds with added knockback, and deals additional dragon frost damage. |
Forbidden |
Provides various debuffs to enemy and damage scaling depending on user's warp |
Possessed |
J'zahar's will descends on the instrument of destruction, crying out for the essences of life, making tool occasionally speak. |
No idea what it does but it sounds kinky |
Inferno II |
Sets enemies on fire for 15 seconds with added knockback, and deals additional dragon flame damage. |
Corrupting |
This weapon inflicts increasing wither on fully-charged hits. |
Applies wither for 7 seconds. Each hit increases the effects level, up to wither 6. |
Culling |
This weapon deals increased damage to enemies with less health than its wielder. |
Deals +0.5 damage for each 1hp in difference. Max damage is capped at x2 tool's damage. (Bonus damage cannot be negative) |
Geocentric Disintegration |
Digger made of this material can dig regardless of the hardness of the block. |
Researcher |
Based on your research in thaumonomicon, there are various effects! |
Overflow |
There is a 25% probability that this weapon directly wipes off half of target's health each attack. |
Bloodlust |
Adds life essence to your soul network when killing. |
Glitch |
Drops Glitch Heart sometimes when killing. |
Condensing |
Slain foes and broken blocks may leave behind a smattering of neutrons. |
0.05% chane on kill to spawn a smattering of neutrons. |
Brown Magic |
Press the 'set portal' key (default 'N') to set a virtual portal on the block you are pointing at. By default, press 'Y' to teleport there (if there is enough space). |
Tldr.: Set a point and be able to teleport to it. |
Infinitum |
This equipment is indestructible. |
Unbreakable. |
Battle Furor |
This weapon grants its wielder increasing attack damage on fully-charged hits. |
Up to 50% damage increase. +5% Per hit. Resets after 5 seconds. |
Juggernaut |
This weapon deals increased damage based on its wielder's current health. |
Deals an additional 30% tool's damage as damage for every HP threshold surpassed. Threshold doubles every time. (20HP, 40HP, 80HP, 160HP..., each yielding +30% damage) |
Chain Lightning |
This weapon's fully-charged attacks have a chance of arcing to nearby enemies. |
Every attack has 25% chance to create a chain lightning. It deals 25% of the tools damage to an enemy up to 3 blocks away from the last target, up to 3 bounces. |
Blind Bandit |
A mob called the 'Blind Bandit' will sometimes be summoned for a limited time after you attack or are attacked. She will attack hostile mobs, and will also attack those who dare to attack her (except you), piercing armor on mobs. |
They deal about 5.5 damage and apply slowness 2 for 10 seconds. They will seek another target if their current one dies. |
Omnipotence |
This tool defies the will of gods. |
Enemy has no invincibility time. Damage bypasses armor. Does additional damage based on enemy's max health. If no configs changed, can damage players in create mode. |